1. How much does a workshop cost?
We deliver all workshops at no cost.
2. How far in advance do I have to book a workshop?
We prefer workshops to be scheduled with at least two weeks prior to the requested date; however, we understand that is not always possible. We are able to accommodate last minute workshops depending on our availability.
3. What is the most popular workshop?
The workshop that gets requested the most is “Spending Plans”, however the workshop that is the most popular for our Cats and participants is "Invest in Yourself".
4. How long does a workshop take?
Each workshop is constructed to take 50 minutes. However, we can adapt to shorter or longer time frames.
5. How do I book a workshop?
Fill out the online workshop request form. You may also email deidreramirez@email.arizona.edu.
6. Do I have to do anything prior to a workshop?
The Take Charge Cat responsible for conducting your workshop will contact you prior to the date in order to answer all your questions and make sure we are all set!
7. What can students expect to learn?
Our workshops review basic information on the topic being presented. Our goal is to raise the awareness of our audience and to “teach youth to score big in finance” by increasing their knowledge.
8. How many workshops can I have presented to my group?
We have a menu of 7 workshops that we offer. You may select as many of them as you would like. For more information on our workshops, please click here.
9. Who leads the each workshop series?
Our Take Charge Cat ambassadors lead each series. Our goal is for the same ambassador to deliver every workshop in a series to build a relationship with the audience.
10. Is there a specific/required order for the workshop series?
No. You may select any order that best fits your group and schedule. However, we recommend the following order: Spending Plans, Savings, Credit Basics, Credit Reports, Jobs and Paychecks, Fraud and Identity Theft and Invest in Yourself. To some extent, the workshops do build on each other but can be taken out of order and still provide a strong foundation for the audience.
11. Can you combine two workshop topics in one 50 minute period?
Not in a 50 minute period but we are able to do so in period of 90 minutes or longer.
12. What is AFF?
The Arizona Financial Face-Off (AFF) is our end of the year competition where teams who hosted Take Charge Cats workshops are eligible to compete and win prizes. The class must host the first four workshops to be eligible to participate.