Dan McDonald

McClelland Park Room 425G
650 N Park Ave
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0078
Dr. Dan McDonald is the director of the Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research, an Extension Specialist in Financial Education, and a University of Arizona Distinguished Outreach Faculty member. He has worked at the University of Arizona for over 20 years, designing, implementing, and evaluating community programs. Dr. McDonald received his Doctorate in Family Studies and Human Development from the Norton School in 2000. In his current capacity Dr. McDonald oversees the Take Charge Cats and the Early Childhood Financial Education programs, and Student Basic Needs Infrastructure grant at the University of Arizona; provides oversight of the training and curriculum development for Arizona Cooperative Extension Financial Education programs offered in five rural counties in the state; and directs the research efforts of TCAI. Dre. McDonald is a member of the Extension Financial Literacy Working Group, the United Way Financial Wellness Partnership, Arizona Saves/America Saves coalition, Jump$tart coalition, and the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Scientists Money $mart circle.