Workshop Request

Your Name
Your Phone Number
If you are signing up for a workshop on someone's behalf, please tell us their name and email address. (ex. You are a guidance counselor signing up on behalf of the AVID program and are not the instructor)
Please select the number of workshops you have chosen above.
Equipment Selection
Please select all of the options that you can provide to us in your environment.
Please describe the equipment we may have access to. Things that would help us to know are: What connections are used between equipment? (ex. HDMI, USB-C, Other) Is there ports for a thumb drive? (Traditional USB port) Is there an out of ordinary circumstance with your equipment? (ex. Doesn't work with windows)
What grade are your students in?
Please provide us with a room number, building, or directions on premises to the teaching location.
Let us know how to check in at the location. Ex. "The parking lot guard will give you guest pass and check you in.", "Please go to the front office to log in and ask for directions."
Are you planning on attending Arizona Financial Face Off?